United Mission to Nepal (UMN) is an international development organization which strives to address root cause of poverty leading towards fullness of life, as it serves the people of Nepal. Multicultural teams of Nepali and volunteer expatriate staff work alongside local organization in remote districts of the country, building partnerships that lead to healthy, dignified and empowered individuals, families, and communities.
Position: Program Officer - Harmful Traditional Practicers(Baghang District)
Peace building is one of UMN's key Technical Areas and focuses on disability rights and rehabilitation, gender, local capacities for peace, and integrated peace building programs, to bring a positive change in the lives of some of the poorest people in Nepal. The main purpose of this post is to provide technical input and build the capacity of partners on "Combating Traditional Practices that are Harmful to Women/Girls" in Bhajhang so that UMN and its partners make significant impact at community level and contribute to learning bith locally and nationally.
Minimum Qualification:
- Bachelor's Degree in gender or equivalent.
- At least two years of work experience in grassroots development addressing gender injustics.
- Clear understanding of Nepal's gender situation.
- Good facilitation, inter personal , writing, presentation and computer skills.
- Excellent language and communication skills in both Nepali and English.
Salaries and benefits will be according to the UMN standard.
All interested individuals who meet the minimum qualification are encouraged to apply for this position. The job description and application form can be downloaded from our website: www.umn.org.np/vacancy
Completed application forms should be sent by email to nepali.recruit@umn.org.np by 4:00 PM on Wednesday 5 August 2015. Short listed candidates will be invited to participate in assessment process.
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